For many fishing guides in the Top End of Australia the end of the tourist season means only one thing - a window of opportunity for rec fishing trips! Pack up your mates, partner or perhaps the family from down south and head out exploring new areas and hot spots you've been craving to hit all year.
In my case I had the opportunity of heading out with my best
fishing mate/fiance Klara to explore some unseen territory around the west
end of the Cobourg Peninsula.
We had four days up our sleeves so we threw in the swag, esky, rods, pots etc. and headed off. Our goal was to find some good size pelagic fish before making our way into the creek systems in hunt for barra and salmon.
The sun came up and we were out on the hunt. And what do ya know, it was just one of those days, everything I’ve seen throughout the year had gone into hiding. We jigged the usual areas, chased birds and current lines, flicked poppers over bombies, the lot. We did catch a nice tuna, the odd trev and queenies along the way although it was the big mackies we really wanted to nail. As the sun was drawing close to setting, our plan was to head into a creek to park up for the night. We zapped up to a rocky pinnacle I’d spotted on the charts some time ago and always wanted to try out. It had mackerel written all over it and the tide had just started to rip in.
Upon arrival and before I had a chance to blink Klara had her gold RMG in the water full of optimism and anticipation.
Low and behold, as she often does, within a minute of the lure hitting the water her 4000 stratic was absolutely screaming, almost smoking!
After fumbling around trying to set up the GOPRO I managed to capture some of the circus on film (partly my fault). After missing it in the net (no gaff to be seen), tangling it around the motor, plus competing with a roaring tide it was one of those fishing moments where nothing went to plan but everything worked out. At the end of the day, Klara pulled in her personal best Spanish Mackerel measuring in at 144cm and a hefty 21kg. All without wire trace.
Mackerel steaks were sizzling on the BBQ within the hour. A very memorable start to a fishing trip where I was well and truly out fished but couldn’t be happier with the results.
If you'd like to come out fishing with us at Cobourg and stay at Cobourg Coastal Camp please get in touch - hope to see you soon!
Written by Cobourg Fishing Safaris skipper and owner Hugh Gange.
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